Sunset brilliance
Backlit by the blackest of hearts.
Molten gold,
Your smiles, your souls, your light
Drown the Darkness
With cheeky giggles
And Batman wings.
You live on in the sunset,
Each fading ray
Imbued with the essence
Of your innocence,
Your marmalade sweetness,
Your incandescent light.
Fire cannot easily be forgotten.
Fire sears.
It burns still in our memories.
It leaves scars.
We feel it long after it has passed.
Prometheus’ promise,
Your flames shine lustrous,
Warming the embittered, the battered.
Hesperidia treasures,
You would not hate.
You lack the language for hate.
In your marigold innocence,
Blaze a path to peace
In our burning hearts.
Let your ongoing sunsets
Shed warmth and forgiveness
Where we rage
With flashing furor.
Let your teeming
Gleam enfolded in the sunset
For all time.
I’m crying.
This made me weep with its truth and poignancy. I'd like to share it on my Facebook page. May?. Thank you