Why subscribe?
Most of my life has been a story of success, adventure, and achievement. Getting A’s was easy for me. I was an accomplished singer and dancer. I attended Brown University, received a Keasbey Fellowship to Oxford to read for an M.Phil. in Modern Middle Eastern Studies, and then tacked on a Harvard Law degree.
I worked for years as a litigator and compliance attorney at DLA Piper, being fortunate enough to to be included in some of the most interesting work available at a law firm. Hell, I got to work on Senator Mitchell’s investigation into steroid use in Major League Baseball, serve on the Monitorship team for Penn State University after the Sandusky scandal, and spend six months seconded to The Global Fund in Geneva, Switzerland.
I got married in my mid-30’s, had two babies in rapid succession, and took a job as a Director of Compliance & Ethics at CareFirst BCBS. No one could describe my life as anything but blessed.
In 2016, that life altered immeasurably. Within a span of two months, I inexplicably lost functionality in all four limbs. It took three years, 15 different physicians, three physical therapists, and two surgeries before one genius at Johns Hopkins Hospital figured me out and restored my quality of life through medical treatment. Within a week of diagnosis and treatment, I began to recover the use of my hands and, in time, my legs. I am now almost back to myself and learning how to live within a new normal that includes unanticipated flares but also allows me to mother my children, dress myself, take a walk, open a soda can, and type on a keyboard again.
In short, my life was derailed for three years.
The result is a perspective on life and events around me I never anticipated acquiring but for which I am profoundly grateful. I believe this unique perspective infuses my writing with a level of personal starkness and fearlessness. I mean, what more could happen to me at this point, right?
My pieces are varied, fresh, and uncompromising. I do not mince words. I am not afraid of strong opinions, unpopular ideas, or difficult conversations and debate. In fact, after three years of dying, I relish how alive they make me feel.
On this site, I will provide my educated insights into Middle East affairs and specifically events related to Israel based on years of study and personal experience in the region. I frequently write opinion pieces about anti-Semitism in the world today.
I will also, however, experiment with literature, poetry, and short stories on any number of topics. I will indulge my fantasy of writing historical fiction. I promise always to use the Oxford comma.
Please join me in my random musings and literary endeavors. I would be most honored by your participation in this journey and welcome your feedback.
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